Here are the lovely bloggers I'm passing this on to as well. I check these blogs almost daily and have been very inspired by them! If you've already gotten this award before don't feel pressured to send it out again unless you want to. Just know that your blog is enjoyed :)
Macaroni and Cheesecake
Fresh From Cate's Kitchen
Home With Mandy
Taste of Home
My Italian Grandmother
Made With Love
A Cookie A Day
Proceed with Caution
Food Alla Puttanesca
From the French Kitchen
A little FYI to the deserving recipients, this award comes with a few rules attached to it:
Please find at least 10 more blogs of any kind which you deem to be excellent; but hey if you only come up with 3 or 5, I don’t mind. Quality over quantity folks!
Post about the blogs you picked, linking back to me and to them.
Once you’ve posted, return here to let me know your post is up, and of course let your 10 award winners know too.
Congrats! Happy blogging!
Aww! Thanks! This is my first blog award too.
Aww! That is so sweet! This is my first award too:)
Thank you so very much! I really appreciate it! Can't wait to send out the award!!!
Mine too! I'm honored. Thank you so much!!
Just posted my awards:)
Thank you so much Lisa! I’d like to take a moment to thank my mom who served burnt dinner rolls every night and thus made me want to be better in the kitchen than her.
Thanks to Allyson, my friend who listens to me talk on and on about my blog and encourages me to keep cooking and writing, and who also submits baking blogs for me to post.
A warm thanks to Jim my boyfriend who consumes everything I make, you are a very lucky man to be dating me and I hope you realize that no one else will ever cook food this good for you.
Thank you so very much Lisa! I really appreciate it! This was very sweet! :)
Thank you so much!
Thank you!!! :)
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